spiromesifen-22-9-sc image
Spiromesifen 22.9% SC
Spiromesifen 22.9% SC (Liquid)
Spiromesifen 22.9% w/w SC contains 229 g of Spiromesifen active ingredient per/kg formulation, which is equal to 240 g of Spiromesifen active ingredient per ltr. of formulation.
Category: Contact Insecticide
Package Size:

Direction of Use

Spray with Knapsack fitted with hollow cone or triple action nozzle as soon as mites incidence is noticed on Brinjal, Chilli & Tea. High volum spray (foot spray) or power spray can be used on Apple.

Target Crops, Pests, and Dosage


Target Pest

Dosage/Acre (ml)

Dilution in water (Litre)

Apple European Red Mite & Red Spider Mite


Brinjal Red Spider Mite 400 500
Chilli Chilli Yellow Mite 400 500-750
Cotton White fly & Mite 600 500
Cucumber Cucumber Mite 600 500
Okra Red Spider Mite 400-500 500
Tea Red Spider Mite 400 400
Tomato White fly & Mite 625 500
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