acetamiprid-1-1-cypermethrin5-5-w-wec image
Acetamiprid 1.1%+Cypermethrin5.5% W/WEC
Acetamiprid 1.1%+Cypermethrin5.5% W/WEC (Liquid)
Acetamiprid 1.1% + Cypermethrin 5.5% EC is a pre-mix emulsiflable concentrate containing acetmiprid a.i @ 10 gm per lit and Cypermethrin a.i @ 50 gm per lit formulation. It is recommend for the control of sucking pests and bollworms in cotton crop.
Category: Insecticide
CIB Registration No: CIR-184299/2021-Acetamiprid+Cypermethrin (EC) (428)-882

Direction of Use

Plant Protection equipment: It is recommended to use Knapsack sprayer or motorized knapsack sprayer fitted with high or low volume nozzle. Take the measured quantity of insecticide and add to it a small quantity of water mix thoroughly and then add remaining quantity of water. Stir well to from a ready to use spray. Do not spray against the wind. The product is toxic to honey bees and avoid spraying during foraging time on crops.


Target Crops, Pests, and Dosage


Target Pest

Dosage/Acre (ml)

Dilution in water (Litre)


Aphids, Jassids, Thrips and Bollworms



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